Friday 26 October 2007

Being a Chinese is not by default a Mr LAU!!!!

I would have had a splendid on-call last night had it not for a distracting phone call from this #@"$! lady via my Msian mobile number.

The story goes like this. It was like what I have written in my previous post, the delivery unit was clear and there wasn't any patient to be seen. I had not slept well during the day prior to my call last night so I decided to hit the sack much earlier at about 12 midnight (In preapartion for a busy night). I went into deep sleep but was disturbed by not my bleep which was rather unusual but it was my mobile (Msian number and on roaming).

Now I generally do not answer any unrecognised phone number as my phone is on roaming (hence I will have to pay for any phone calls received from anywhere in the world) and kept that way only for emergency calls from family (and sometimes friends). This individual however was quite adamant to get in touch with the person on the other line. After ignoring the persistent vibrating phone for countless time I finally gave in and answered. At this point, I was really thinking that someone had wanted to get in touch with 'ME' urgently.

(grumpily waking up ..hehhehehe)

me: Hello?

#@$%! lady: Hello, may I speak to Mr Lau? (NO PLEASE I HAD NOTICED)

me: Erm, Mr Lau? I am terribly sorry but I gather you have got the wrong number. (thinking at this point it will end my conversation quite abruptly....I can literally hear the bill going up at F1 speed rate..)

#@$%! lady: Not Mr Lau? But you are Chinese right??

me: Yes, I am Chinese but I am not Mr Lau.

#@$%! lady: But Mr Lau gave me this number....errr ...err...I want to speak to Mr Lau. You are Chinese right?


I hanged up.

Really, I am seriously annoyed with this lady. Not only did she not comprehend that I am not the Mr Lau or Mr whatsoever having told her so, the #@$%! lady thinks that as long as you are Chinese you are then by default a Mr Lau!!!

My dad or some of my friends I have noticed tend to have a long conversation with people calling up the wrong numbers...

Most of the conversation includes:
'Who do you want to speak to?? Who is this?? What number do you wanna call???'

'Are you sure you have got the right number? My number is this this this'

Frankly, I do not see a point in asking what number the other person on the other line wanted as it is ALL IN THE MOBILE's DISPLAY and I DON'T really want to know who they want to speak to, full stop. SO I religiously hang up once they start off with 'harlo, ah ngu ah??' or 'Ah Lim ah, your bla bla bla bla'


Anonymous said...

ehh...why so garang la...but i do understand cos it is on roaming...if i were u, i wudnt have picked up the phone...period...

Anonymous said...

My Msian number used to belong to some Mr Hong Chin Chye and for six years (and counting), ninety percent of callers from unrecognised numbers will be for him.
A lot of them would want to know what number they have dialled.
I even had this one guy who was almost trying to start a conversation with me.
So now, I always just say, "wrong number" and hang up immediately.