Tuesday 23 October 2007

2nd of my last 4 nights

There is two patients on the delivery unit now. One in the pool with a history of IUGR( Intra Uterine Growth Restriction) and I just heard she is fully dilated and vertex is visible. Great. Why is she in the pool? Well..i think she initially had wanted a home delivery despite being advised not to as the baby was found to be ?IUGR and hence offered an induction. She declined but agreed to having the baby in the hospital. Further, she requested for a pool delivery (will post a picture of the pool, perhaps tomorrow after my call).

The other lady is only 7 cm dilated, only a cm change from her last review at 7pm. Well, sounds to me like a poor progress and she is just having about 1-2 contractions in every 5 minutes. Midwife is not sure of the position of the baby....hmmmmmm. I guess she might benefit from a few drops of syntocinon stimulation then. I do hope both patients are not going to be problems for me later.

Am drinking my cuppa now as i blog this entry.....


Anonymous said...

Your hospital offers pool delivery?

yltan said...

fibrate: yes...the hospital has a birthing pool for uncomplicated patients. Its lovely to see the baby coming out submerge in water. Unfortunately i do not think so in msia anyone would fancy a pool delivery. Here is all about normality...