Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Yat Yat Fatt!

I just realized that 01/01/08 if pronounced in Cantonese means 'Everyday is Wealth'! i.e YAT YAT FATT. Wow.... what a discovery. I do hope it would be wealth for me everyday loh.

And with that I decided to indulge myself in a new watch. I like watches. I have in fact 3 'sorta luxury' watches bought in stages of my life. The first when I joined medical school. Followed by my very first year as a house officer. Now since I have got my postgraduate, I once again upgraded my watch. Ahhh... how I loved my new time piece.

Oh by the way, anyone of you heard about the latest news to hit Msian politics? Someone pretty much linked to KKM has admitted to starring in a special kind of DVD. Sigh, what a news to hit the health services (in a way). Oops OK OK..not to complaint.... jeez..

Good night YAT YAT FATT, and hello 2nd of January.

1 comment:

fibrate said...

Sigh...wonder when I'll be able to post something like that!